Construction and function of the Bass tuba - Philipp Dangas

Construction and function of the Bass tuba

Construction and function of the bass tuba graphic can be enlarged. It is Link-Sensitive [Clickable].

Components of the bass tuba in small representation

The main structural feature of the tuba is the strong conical expansion of its tube. Due to their wide cone, the tubes act as complete instruments. They are equipped with 4 valves so that the 11 semitone steps between the natural tones No.1 and No.2 can be executed. A 6-valve system is used to achieve particularly accurate intonation.

The tube of the tuba is conical throughout, with the exception of the valve system, the tubes of which are always cylindrical. In the normal orchestral tuba, the bell is directed upwards. The heliform is only used in wind bands or in dance music. There are also "double instruments" in which a special valve can be used to switch between 2 basic tunings. The tuba is blown with a wide and deep cup mouthpiece.

The following audio file is an example of the sound of the bass tuba
[Music composer Dmitri Shostakovich]
Download size: 173 kilobytes
Key data on the functional principle of the brass instruments
Component/Technology Function
1. Mouthpiece The mouthpiece is a circular opening that is enclosed by a rim and that leads to the instrument via a semi-spherical or conical cavity called the cup.
2. Tube Of course, the length of the tube determines the pitch as well as the timbre.
3. Valves The chromatic play is made possible by changing the tube length. And this is done by operating the valves of brass instruments.
4. Bell Bells help determine timbre. Longer and narrower bells produce a bright sound. Shorter and wider produce a soft sound.
5. Overblow technique Increasing the blowing pressure and letting the instrument sound in a higher register makes this technique possible.