long diminuendo - Dynamics - Philipp Dangas

long diminuendo - Dynamics

General information on „Dynamics“ [3/4]

The score of a composition should meet the requirements for an appropriate performance. fulfills the task of not allowing possible weaknesses in the performance to develop. Also in The instrumentation thus anticipates the performance. Accordingly, the instrumentation is an important means of adjusting the dynamics.

Part 2 of the contribution „Dynamics“ Part 4 of the contribution „Dynamics“

A long diminuendo in the context of „symphonic world music“

The greatest importance is attached to the instrumented dynamics . The basis of our music is also the rhythm and dynamics. But we don't want music that only impresses with its volume or loudness.

In our music, it's not just indifferent sound structures that are transformed by dynamics. The dynamic can also be used as a structure-reinforcing element. It can support the expression of melodic, harmonic and rhythmic progressions. In addition, it can underline the formal structure.

General information about a long diminuendo

A long diminuendo is obtained by the simultaneous application of dynamic adjustment. In addition, a long diminuendo is achieved in by gradually reducing the number of instruments. The following order should be observed: brass, wood and strings.

A long diminuendo demonstrated by way of example

The following is an exemplary example of the realization of the “long diminuendo” and its continuation to a “small tutti” as the climax Instruction diminuendo [dim.].

This means "gradually becoming quieter". Orchestral instruments are gradually removed from the movement. The order in which the instruments are "silenced" can be found in the list below.

Order of removing the instruments:

1. Instrument group: percussion instruments
  • Timpani
2. Instrument group: woodwind and brass instruments
  • Oboe
  • Trumpet
3. Instrument group: Brass instruments
  • Horns

Another important point in this score is that the cellos, double basses, violas and from bar 88. This also contributes to the "diminuendo" impression.

Replacement of the 32nd figure by halved quarters (from bar 91) a role. And last but not least, it should be mentioned that the less characteristic color combinations with their less transparent sound also contribute to this impression.

Means for creating a „diminuendo“:
  1. Decrease in dynamics
  2. Decrease in Instrumentation
  3. Change to less bright registers of the instruments
  4. Less active rhythm
  5. No characteristic color combinations
  6. Use of suitable playing technique ( eg legato)

Downloads for the [ Dynamics:  long diminuendo ]

Music by Ludwig van Beethoven
Sound file for the score
„5th Symphony - 2nd Movement“ 
Download size: 433 Kilobytes
PDF file for the score
„5th Symphony - 2nd Movement“ 
Download–size: 210 Kilobytes

Note on the score with an example of a [long diminuendo]

Two graphics follow, each with an excerpt from the score. Excerpts from the "5th Symphony, 2nd Movement". Composition by Ludwig van Beethoven. An example of a long diminuendo. The graphics can also be enlarged. They are reference-sensitive [clickable].

Example for the short crescendo Example for the short diminuendo