Woodwind orchestra - Oboe 2/2 - Philipp Dangas
Woodwind orchestra - Oboe 2/2 [chord combinations]
General information about chord combinations with the oboe
The possibilities of chord combinations (of the oboe with other orchestral instruments) are numerous. In particular, the tonal relationship between the oboe and the clarinet must be observed.
However, any other grouping is possible (depending on the voice leading of the instruments). This is often necessary, especially in modern music. Because here the melodic and harmonic functions often change in the individual voices of the instruments.
General information about the octave combinations with the oboe
Octave combinations of the oboe with other woodwind instruments are possible under certain conditions. It is important to observe the individual register properties of the combined instruments. Provided a homogeneous oboe sound is to be achieved. It would therefore not be good to use the oboe as the upper voice in an octave doubling with the flute.
Note the weak sound of the middle clarinet registers in an octave combination of oboe and clarinet. Especially when the clarinet is used in the lower voice. What is important is the sound character that is to be generated. As a result, the instrumentator's idea of the sound can be decisive.
Doubling the octave with the string instruments can be done with the oboe. The oboe is also suitable for doubling the celli in the upper octave. Of the brass instruments, the trumpet and the horn are suitable for doubling the octave with the oboe.
Example of the chord combinations with the oboe
The following example offers a proven pattern for realizing a harmony chord.
Downloads for the [chord combinations: oboe-clarinet-bassoon-horn]
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